Thus, research and knowledge production within the framework of this platform contemplates important challenges both from an ethical-political perspective, as well as from the ethical-scientific considerations associated with all research involving humans. In relation to the latter, NDE has committed to the highest international standards and declarations established for research ethics with living beings and, in particular, with minors. Nonetheless, the specific realities where the research is undertaken imposes the need to constantly push and renew our reflection on how to apply these principles and think about the best ways to establish social relations in schools and generate knowledge, issues that go beyond these standards.
In this way, the ethical positioning of the project involves attending to a variety of perspectives, welcoming the diverse perspectives of numerous researchers, as well as those of the board of directors, professors, and students of the schools, which allow us to address the dilemmas of research in the field of social sciences from a point of view that considers the rights and care of the participants, and the ways in which established social relationships can generate and reproduce conditions of inequality that threaten the integral well-being of society as a whole.
For these purposes, this platform is part of the legal regulations in force, in multiple international agreements (see details and links below) recognized by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research of Chile, CONICYT, particularly the Singapore Convention, as well as institutional guidelines, especially the recommendations and texts prepared by CONICYT (see). All of these documents, in general, promote respect for the rights of the participants, the care of their well-being, and the evaluation of the pertience and relevance of the research based on their possible effects and consequences.
Although these regulations and guidelines have been adamantly promoted and framed from a bioethical perspective, this is not enough to understand the dilemmas of research in the field of social sciences, nor does it fully address situations that emerge from the way we investigate, as those proposed by NDE, where the place of the researcher, the relationship of trust over confidentiality, work with cultural unrest, among other aspects, in order to constitute forms of relationships that are articulated in specific ways, so a bioethical perspective, concentrated in protocolarized relations of participation in research in contexts of treatment or health care, is limited. One of the peculiarities of the scientific commitment of NDE, as it supposes an interdisciplinary hybridization as its base, is the a priori and definitive non-definition of the object of study in this common field, which does not include definitive methodologies. As a result, ethical considerations cannot be defined in advance and must constitute a space for continuous reflection explicitly recognized and intended within the same investigation.
Confidentiality contract
Teachers in training informed consent
Informed concent without certification
Teachers informed consent letter
Teachers informed consent letter
Parents/guardians informed consent letter
Parents/guardians informed consent letter 2
Authorization Letter to Utilize Information (Dialogues)
Informed assent
Informed assent 2
Relevant references to laws and statements on the ethics of general investigations
Ethical Norms of the Pan American Health Organization for Research on Human Subjects
Law 20.120 on research on humans, genome, and human cloning
Law 19.628 on protetion of private life