Associate Professor in the School of Psychology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and Associate Researcher in the Interdisciplinary Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Studies (CIIR).
Andrés uses social psychology and philosophy perspectives, in the articulations between subjectivity and society: historical and political memory in Chile; physiological and discursive aspects of political and intergroup attitudes among different generations; cultural forms that mediate autobiographical discourse in young people and in older adults; and cultural and intergenerational transmission from the perspective of aging.
Selected Publications
Haye, A. & Larraín, A. (2018). Field and utterance: The problem of discourse articulation. Bakhtiniana, Revista de Estudos do Discurso, 13(2), Port. 79-99 / Eng. 75-93.
Haye, A., Herraz, P., Cáceres, E., Morales, R., Torres-Sahli, M., Villarroel, N. (2018). Time and memory: on the narrative mediation of historical subjectivity / Tiempo y memoria: sobre la mediación narrativa de la subjetividad histórica. Revista de Estudios Sociales 65, 22-35.
Haye, A., Matus, C., Cottet, P. & Niño, S. (2018). Autonomy and the ambiguity of biological rationalities: Systems Theory, ADHD, and Kant. Discourse: Studies in Cultural Politics of Education, 39(2), 184-195.
Haye, A. & Carballo, M. (2017). James’s theory of emotion and affective turn in psychology / La teoría de las emociones de James y el giro afectivo en psicología. Estudios de Psicología, 38(1), 115-139.
Haye, A. & Torres-Sahli, M. (2017). To feel is to know relations: James’ concept of stream of thought and contemporary studies on procedural knowledge. New Ideas in Psychology, 46: 46-55.
Haye, A., Reinoso, A., López, V., & Solís, A. (2016). Study on subjectivity in aging: The myth of the return to childhood / Estudio sobre la subjetividad en el envejecimiento: El mito del retorno a la infancia. In Quinteros, M.C. & Rojas, M.
Senior adult and aging research competition. Results of the second version / Resultados de la segunda versión (47-72). Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Vice-Rector of Research, Vice-Rector of Communications and Continuing Education, Senior Adult Program. (more)
Matus Cánovas, Claudia, & Haye Molina, Andrés. (2015). Normality and difference in school: Design of a social research project from the political-epistemological dilemma / Normalidad y diferencia en la escuela: Diseño de un proyecto de investigación social desde el dilema político-epistemológico. Estudios pedagógicos, 41(special), 135-146.
Carvacho, H., Zick, A., Haye, A, González, R., Manzi, J., Kocik, C, & Bertl, M. (2013). On the relation between social class and prejudice: The roles of education, income, and ideological attitudes. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 272–285.
ORCID ID: 2-3774-5124